In addition to general medical consultations we are pleased to be able to provide specialist clinics and services covering the following areas:
- Test Results - We will contact you if there is anything wrong with your test results or if you need a follow up test or a further appointment. If you already have a follow up appointment booked, your Doctor may speak to you about your test results then rather than notify you separately.
- Immunisation clinics- with the practice nursing team throughout the week.
- Well baby clinic - will shortly resume. These are usually held on Wednesday afternoons from 13:30 - 15:30.
- Child development- If you need advice at any other time, please contact the Health Visiting team.
- Ante-natal clinics- held on Wednesdays from 13:00 – 16:00 and Fridays from 09:30 – 12:00. Booking-in appointments are provided on Tuesdays from 10:00 – 13:00. You can drop in for advice or support on any aspect of pregnancy. A pregnancy testing service is also available on-site, please drop in a sample of urine before 10:30 Monday – Friday (sample bottles are available from a receptionist).
- Minor surgery clinics- for the removal of lumps and bumps and held in our well-equipped treatment room.
- Cervical smear clinics- by trained practice nurses and are held three to four times a week by appointment.
- Contraception Clinics - Coil (IUS/IUD) fittings and contraceptive implant fittings can be carried out by our specially trained staff. Please speak to one of the GPs prior to booking into one of these clinics.
- Diabetic clinics
- Smoking cessation clinics- We can refer you to specialist health improvement trainers for tailor made advice, specific to your needs.
- Asthma clinics
Our health care assistants also carry out procedures such as taking blood samples, checking urine, blood pressures checks, ECG's, basic wound care and routine health checks.